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OneClick Code roofing damage claim adjusters
Jessi West Lundeen
Jessi West Lundeen

3 Min Read


The Best Independent Claims Adjusters Do This

Commit to Professional Development

The best independent claims adjusters know that ongoing professional development is one of the keys to success. Continuing education keeps your skills fresh and helps you gain knowledge that can make you more valuable to your clients. Attending live events is also a great way to network with other industry professionals and grow your referral base.Several training companies offer seminars, workshops, and online courses focusing on claims handling, insurance regulations, writing homeowners insurance policies, fraud investigation, and other topics relevant to the work of an independent claims adjuster. Enrolling in these courses can help you become more effective at your job, increasing your marketability in a competitive industry.

Manage Time Effectively

Once you're established as an independent claims adjuster, you need to manage your time effectively. If you're working on multiple claims, you need to evaluate each one, make sure it's not fraudulent, review insurance policies to determine what's covered, and decide how much each insurance company should pay. You may also need to follow up on telephone calls and emails throughout the day.
The best independent claims adjusters have systems in place for handling these responsibilities as efficiently as possible. To keep track of everything you need to do, start off each day by making a to-do list with items ranked in order of importance (highest to lowest). If possible, set a time limit for each task. A time limit forces you to stay focused and avoid spending too much time on any one activity.

Maintain Positive Relationships

As an independent claims adjuster, you need to maintain a good reputation if you want to receive referrals from other industry professionals. Good relationships are also essential for attracting clients that bring you their business again and again. The best independent claims adjusters work hard to build and maintain positive relationships with clients, roofing contractors and other industry experts.
One way to build positive relationships is to prioritize effective communication. If it takes longer than you anticipated to handle a claim, for example, be proactive instead of reactive. Contact the client right away and let them know why it's taking longer than you expected. Offer to provide regular updates until you finish handling the claim as agreed.

Develop In-Depth Knowledge

The best independent claims adjusters know how important it is to gain in-depth knowledge, not just about their job duties, but about the insurance industry as a whole. If you understand state versus federal building codes, the types of roofing damage caused by different types of storms, and how new laws are likely to affect roofing contractors and other building professionals, you'll be much more effective in your job.
Increase your knowledge by attending networking events, reading the newspaper regularly and subscribing to a few industry-specific publications. Adjusters International offers several resources, including Adjusting Today, Disaster Recovery Today and Insights for Your Industry.

Choose the Right Tools

Once you understand how to handle claims, you can start looking for ways to increase your productivity. The best independent claims adjusters know that choosing the right tools is essential for managing claims effectively. Websites, mobile apps and other tools make it easier to investigate claims, look up insurance data and perform other tasks related to claims handling. The best independent adjusters know that having the right tools to make you more efficient and accurate, will only help build your reputation and help you bring in more work.

OneClick Code offers an app that makes it easier for all parties involved in roofing claims to find building codes quickly. As a claims adjuster, you can benefit from using this app to search for building codes and determine how they're likely to affect the cost of bringing a property into compliance with local codes after some type of damage or destruction. Imagine being able to find out the jurisdiction for a property, the correct sales tax, and what building codes are required for that project, instantly, and have all the documentation you need to back it up. Tools like OneClick code will save you massive amounts of time and will help you reduce the back and forth between contractors and the carrier. 

Get Organized

As a claims adjuster, you have to keep track of many documents, both digital and print versions. You may also have to juggle multiple appointments each week, making it extremely important to get organized. One mistake many people make is trying to use the same organizational system everyone else is using. For best results, the system you use should be tailored to your personal preferences. If you prefer putting appointments in a paper calendar, for example, don't force yourself to use a digital calendar app.


  1. Success as a claims adjuster requires excellent communication skills and the ability to manage your time effectively.

  2. The best independent claims adjusters focus on becoming well-rounded professionals.

  3. Reading industry publications and taking continuing education courses can help you become a trusted resource for your clients.

  4. Choosing the right tools and tech stack to get you started off on the right foot is essential to your success in today's modern world.

About OneClick Code

OneClick Code is a trusted data partner, dedicated to streamlining the code-sourcing process for all parties in the roofing industry while also increasing efficiency and transparency for all stakeholders in construction and restoration. They have the only platform to have blazed the trail for data automation of jurisdictional authority for building codes, permit fees, taxes, and manufacturer specifications required for any address nationwide. OneClick Code has been serving customers in the contracting, insurance, and claim adjusting fields by providing instant access to trusted roofing codes, in the click of a button. Offering unique reports that can be easily shared between all stakeholders in the roofing claims industry, OneClick is adding value to all parties and empowering customers to save time and money on every claim. Welcome to restoration intelligence, automated. To learn more, visit our website

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