Laptop Computer or Tablets
Independent claims adjusters are always on the go, moving from one location to another. That's why a laptop computer or tablet is a must-have. Devices now come with lots of storage space and are convenient and accessible on-site. Plus, there are many apps for laptops and tablets designed for insurance adjusters. These apps make it easy to be an independent claims adjuster by providing quick access to all the information you need.
Navigation and Route Organization
As a claims adjuster, you will have several locations to visit. Apps for mapping and navigation are becoming more popular with drivers. Among the most popular adjusters are Google and Waze. Google can integrate with your calendar to provide travel directions based on your schedule. When you click the address of your scheduled claim, a map appears. Waze can determine the most effective routes for your destinations and provides you with an ordered list of them.
Digital Cameras
A digital camera is a must for insurance claims adjusters. It can be on your smartphone or a camera you carry for taking photographs. A camera is one of the best tools a claims adjuster can have to record property damage. High-quality photos create a detailed and accurate report filed with insurance carriers. Insurance carriers then rely on these reports when they pay or deny claims. These reports are also vital when working to repair damaged property. Before work begins, adjusters make a report with photographic evidence for materials needed.
Store and Organize Photos
CompanyCam offers contractors a simple and effective photo solution. This solution lets you take infinite photos stored safely in the cloud with a time and location stamp. CompanyCam allows you to manage, track, and share project progress from any location. There are currently over 350 million photos stored in the CompanyCam cloud.
Correct Building Codes and Guidelines
Independent claims adjusters' jobs have never been more in demand. But adjusters have many new risks as well. One challenging aspect of being an insurance claims adjuster is understanding the building codes required for a roof repair or replacement. Codes can be hard to follow and are specific to each jurisdiction. The foundational element of building codes is identifying the right city or county that has jurisdiction over that specific property. If you get that wrong, your estimate will be off, leading to claim leakage and long cycle times fighting over who is "right."
Proper Jurisdiction
Let's break it down a little more. Jurisdiction lines are NOT the same as USPS address boundaries. Thankfully, there is OneClick Code to help you find the right jurisdiction for every property address in the U.S. Using OneClick Code will give you the property's correct jurisdiction, correct sales tax (not even Xactimate can do that), and what building codes are adopted for that project. There are other building code apps and resources out there, such as PLRB or UpCodes. PLRB has an app called BCME, but it does not tell you the correct jurisdiction. So even if you find the code, you might have the wrong code for that property. UpCodes is a website that allows you to search for building codes. But, like BCME, UpCodes does not give you the correct jurisdiction. It is advisable to start with OneClick Code to find the right jurisdiction and right code book. Then, if you need to do more research, use sources like BCME or UpCodes to dig deeper into the codes specific to your claim.
By getting this foundational piece of the puzzle right, you are ensuring that your estimates are accurate and efficient. And carriers want to work with adjusters who are accurate and efficient to reduce cycle times and reduce claim leakage. Build your reputation by using the tools that will set you apart.
Accurate and Efficient Estimating
Independent claims adjusters use a variety of tools to help with estimates. Adjusters use building codes and an estimate calculator to get the most accurate figure possible. Calculating IWS or ventilation can be challenging and time-consuming. But estimate calculators such as the OneClick Ice and Water Shield Calculator can help you stay competitive and estimate accurately. Just enter the roof specifications, and the calculator does the rest.
The IWS Calculator from OneClick considers all pertinent information, including your roof's measurements, materials used, and building regulations. When you enter this data, the calculator provides the information you need to install your IWS, with documentation to back it up.
Drawing Diagrams
Xactimate Sketch lets you draw diagrams or floor plans from scratch with a customizable toolbar of shapes. You can also use a template library to create new drawings fast by dragging and dropping items from their respective categories into the main Sketch window.
With Xactimate Sketch's preset libraries full of building codes (such as IBC 2012) and insurance adjuster niches (such as General Liability), there are plenty of examples to get started. Add to that the robust editing capabilities, and it's easy to see how this app is great for drafting purposes for work with insurance carriers.
Tactical Training
Xactimate is a software application for estimating building costs popular with insurance companies. Most insurance carriers require the use of Xactimate for their claims process. You can estimate building damage, repair, and reconstruction costs, or create damage estimates and settlement offers for claims. However, Xactimate is such a big platform that it often requires training to understand how to use it properly.
AdjusterPro offers live webinar format training in Xactimate. A qualified instructor gives practical, hands-on instruction during the sessions. You can input line items, use Sketch, submit images and documents, create a comprehensive claim, and more after a three-night session. Depending on your state, this course is 8–12 CE hours certified.
Technology Helps
Independent insurance adjusters work hard to provide a service. Whether in personal injury cases or helping after a natural disaster strikes. It can be challenging to keep up with everything alone, but plenty of technology tools are available to help make things easy.
About OneClick Code
OneClick Code is a trusted data partner, dedicated to streamlining the code-sourcing process for all parties in the roofing industry while also increasing efficiency and transparency for all stakeholders in construction and restoration. They have the only platform to have blazed the trail for data automation of jurisdictional authority for building codes, permit fees, taxes, and manufacturer specifications required for any address nationwide. OneClick Code has been serving customers in the contracting, insurance, and claim adjusting fields by providing instant access to trusted roofing codes, in the click of a button. Offering unique reports that can be easily shared between all stakeholders in the roofing claims industry, OneClick is adding value to all parties and empowering customers to save time and money on every claim. Welcome to restoration intelligence, automated. To learn more, visit our website