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OneClick Code
OneClick Code

1 Min Read

Press & Interviews

Don't Get Caught in Contractor Disagreements: Conversation with AdjusterTV

In this episode, Matt from Adjuster TV and Garrett from OneClick Code talk about building code reports for your claims that are inexpensive and that will help you write better claims and give you ammunition when contractors come at you with the old “it’s code in this area so you have to pay for it” line. The hidden secret? It works for contractors too. There is no "other side" when you use OneClick Code.


Watch the episode to learn more about OneClick Code and how it is a no-brainer for contractors and adjusters in the field.


Description of OneClick Code
What are codes and how do they work, including jurisdiction
How codes affect file accuracy
How carriers feel about improperly written claim estimates
Making insureds happy is the goal
How to play big with small tools
How automation benefits adjusting
Dealing with supplements "cottage industry"
How OneClick Code reduces cycle time and fraud
How adding professional documentation to a claim file can benefit an adjuster's career
OneClick Code can get you on the first call list
Local knowledge is crucial
How OCC works
What if there's a disagreement between OneClick and a contractor?
How accurate is OCC?
The importance of automation tools like Eagleview and OneClick code
How can you get OCC?



About Adjuster TV

"AdjusterTV is here to help you make more money, save more time, and help more people. Can you imagine what a career as an independent adjuster could do for you? That's what I'm here to help you achieve. I’ve been a cat property field adjuster since 1999 and I've helped hundreds of people get up and running as IA's —and here's the common denominator: Everyone starts from zero."


About OneClick Code

OneClick Code is a trusted data partner, dedicated to streamlining the code-sourcing process for all parties in the roofing industry while also increasing efficiency and transparency for all stakeholders in construction and restoration. They have the only platform to have blazed the trail for data automation of jurisdictional authority for building codes, permit fees, taxes, and manufacturer specifications required for any address nationwide. OneClick Code has been serving customers in the contracting, insurance, and claim adjusting fields by providing instant access to trusted roofing codes, in the click of a button. Offering unique reports that can be easily shared between all stakeholders in the roofing claims industry, OneClick is adding value to all parties and empowering customers to save time and money on every claim. Welcome to restoration intelligence, automated. To learn more, visit our website.

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