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Katrina Gore
Katrina Gore

24 Min Read


Interview with OneClick Code Founder on FNO InsureTech Podcast

In the latest episode of the FNO InsureTech Podcast, OneClick Code CEO and Founder Garrett Kurtt chats with hosts Rob Beller and Lee Boyd about the OneClick Code story and how automating building codes is changing the roofing industry.

OneClick Code is the first-ever building code automation app. We deliver accurate and critical data to automatic answers to jurisdiction, code enforcement, and line items required for a specific property – instantly. Not only do we give you time and money back, but we also reduce friction for all parties involved in a claim.

Give it a listen to hear all about the origins of OneClick Code, what value OneClick offers, our unique niche in the process, liability, updating codes, and much more!



Can't listen right now? Read the interview instead. Here is the transcript from the interview portion of the podcast: 

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (06:48):

Hey, everybody. We are here with our special guests – coming to us I believe from Colorado – Is that right, Garrett?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (06:57):

That is right.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (07:00):

What an amazingly beautiful state. I can't believe how beautiful it is.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (07:05):

I wake up every day, and I'm just so grateful to be here. It's beautiful today. It's roughly around 75 degrees. You would think it's a slice of heaven.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (07:12):

I'm doing things backward here. So let's get in the right direction. We have with us today. Garrett Kurtt, who is the founder and CEO of OneClick Code. Welcome to our crazy little podcast.

Lee Boyd, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (07:24):

Welcome, Garrett.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (07:26):

Thanks for having me, guys. I really appreciate being here today.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (07:29):

Sure, sure. We're thrilled to have you. And because you occupy kind of a unique product and niche in the grand world of InureTech and insurance, and we're gonna get all into that. So welcome to the podcast. We're thrilled to have you here. Let's jump in and talk about OneClick. So let's have you start us off today and tell us what the heck is OneClick Code and what do you guys do?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (07:54):

Sure. OneClick Code is something that I came up with – No, I shouldn't say come up with – that I started to pursue about five, six years ago and OneClick Code is the, the dream. The vision is to have automated building codes now, not just automated building codes in the essence of like I can know ice and water shield or I know certain components of a roof or whatnot, but it's something that we envision to have where we can pull in building codes that are address-specific across the United States. And that helps define the scope of work and create transparency within the claims process that both sides of the aisle – and I would call the contractors on one side, and adjusting insurance on the other side – creating a transparency between the two parties and reducing friction. And that is what OneClick Code is all about.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (08:41):

And so that's important because like when you talk about codes in one city, certain products might be important to include on the roof and in another city they might not. Is that correct? Is that what code regulates?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (08:58):

Yep. It regulates the reconstruction process and new construction. But for this purpose, we're looking at the reconstruction process specific to the address based on the jurisdiction that controls that house.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (09:08):

Jurisdiction being city government, for example.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (09:12):


Lee Boyd, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (09:13):

And right there where Garrett's going, I think it's even bigger, right? Because he's down to the address. Codes... Many people think about codes and they think about a city, but it could be, you know, across the street it could be this portion of the town. So I mean, am I right? Is that where you're trying to go, Garrett?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (09:32):

Yeah. So when we say address-specific, we're thinking about it from city or county, there's also townships there's boroughs. There's sub-counties so we're looking at what municipality, which it could be any of those that controls the reconstruction process. What gets even deeper is that – and this happens across the country – Adjusters will go out and they'll see a address and that address has a city name on it. But what people don't know, that's a U.S Postal address that has no identification over, who controls that property for reconstruction. Every single property gets assigned a city, even though it's the middle of a cornfield in Kansas, it still says the city name. And it's not even close to that city, but it still has the city name. And that's where we go to is the jurisdiction-having authority. And it's so important to understand that. And if you know that you can apply the code, that's specific to that municipality.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (10:24):

Well, I don't understand what's so hard about that. I mean, wouldn't a roofer just go get that information. What makes it that your service is necessary?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (10:35):

The business case is that as a contractor, I know my space. So like I know my construction process, I know things that go on with the building code. However, it changes based on the municipality. So in order to know that municipality, I would have to go and call the county first and say, Hey, is this address in your county? Yes. And then I would call the city and I'd say, is it in your city? They would say yes or no, I would have to go to that level. And then I would have to figure out, okay, fine. You you've answered those questions. I know where to get my code information. Now I have to go through the whole process of understanding what are the codes that apply to that property specific to that address based on the jurisdiction, which is the, the city codes or, or county codes.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (11:15):

Just to give some idea to our listeners, it's not like five bullet points in an email, right? I mean a code document can be like war and peace. Right? It can be extensive. Correct?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (11:33):

It can be very extensive. Yeah. And there are no photos either.

Nobody likes to read either... So our vision is to make it as simple as a "yes" or "no" answer. Am I supposed to do this or not? And that's not even if I'm doing the legwork I have to, as the researcher or as the code expert or as the contractor or as the claims professional, I have to then interpret, do I need to do this or not? No one's telling me yes or no.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (12:02):

So if you're a local roofer – I live in Sacramento – so if you're a guy who's working in Sacramento and you're, and you're doing roofs in Sacramento every day, all day weekend, week out, this might not be as important as if you were like doing cat work and you're moving around from different municipalities, different places, different states, etc. Is that correct?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (12:23):

The level of importance is not as important. It's definitely way more helpful when you're dealing with multiple counties and cities in a market.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (12:32):

Mm-hmm, and how often do codes change? I bet almost never. Right?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (12:37):

So they do change, and it's interesting. We're tracking it. We track over 20,000 cities and counties...

Lee Boyd, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (12:45):


Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (12:46):

…It's quite a bit and the question is, does it change on the regular? And it can, and it depends. So some cities are still on stuff from 2009 and 2012. Some are at the today's level of 2021. How do they get there? They could have changed every single year to get to 2021, or they just haven't changed at all. So we do track the changes... some of them change more than others and some of them, they don't have rhyme or reason. It just depends on who's in charge at the local level that is dictating when those get adopted.

Lee Boyd, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (13:24):

So I would like to turn a little bit and say, why are codes I important to the insurance industry? Why are the people listening to this podcast, you know, why do they care, right? Why do they need to know about this?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (13:37):

So I'm gonna kind of lay this out. Maybe give you a little story to go with it. So my background, I don't think I got into that. So just my background is I've been in the insurance restoration industry for 14 years. I've been an adjuster, a contractor, an appraiser, and I've done probably about 700 appraisals dispute resolution and it all comes down to price – but price is what we see on the surface. The scope of work is really where it comes down to, you know, Xactimate does a great job of giving us pricing and symbility does it too, but really it's about the scope of work. And so what code does is it's, it's a scope of work. It determines that. So if I have to do something because the code requires on this address, it's an increased cost, but it really is an increased scope of work and that's material and labor. And then you have to calculate how much of it. So like, I do need to add it, but then the question is, how much do I need to add? And there's a quantity, so there's a calculation component. So there's, and that goes into scope of work. And so why is code important? It's because there's a driver of overall costs, which is severity on the claim side and profit potentially to the content side, but it really comes down to it's driving the scope of work, which comes to an ability to come to an agreed price.

Lee Boyd, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (14:51):

I think that's a great story right there, right? I mean, isn't that really what, what we have to do? We have to make sure that the insurance company is repairing exactly what they need to repair.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (15:01):

Since you were talking about your, you know, how long you've been in the business. So how did you get from being contractor adjuster, appraisal guy to OneClick.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (15:12):

I mean, I will give it, I'll give credit to my always constant curiosity of improvement. Like my background's logistics. I'm always trying to figure out how to improve processes and figure out how to get to point Z, not to point B but point Z faster. And so I actually fell into the construction side. My first experience on construction for insurance was it was called hurricane Ike. It was back in 2008. That was my first taste. I don't know if you guys were part of hurricane I or not?

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (15:42):

Yep, yep.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (15:43):

So that was in Houston, Texas. It was quite the adventure. There were steep roofs. I can tell you this – I did not like being on steep roofs and I did not like being in the heat. So I was motivated to figure out how can we automate processes? And I was curious of that. And through that, it kind of led me down the path of like, well, how can I help automate the estimation process? Well, there's things in the way. How can I better understand the construction process? Well, we can do this. And ultimately I got into the being a contractor wanting to be an adjuster because I'm like, well, I wanna understand that side of the business. And I love that side. And then I saw that there was this opportunity. There was a dispute between contractors –I would say, you know, pricing. There was a dispute and the resolution process was something that I'd never heard of.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (16:30):

And I'm like, why can't I be part of that? So I decided to explore that. And actually I got really deep into that space where I would travel across the country doing appraisal work, both on residential and commercial... it filled my cup. Like it really got me to the point where I could meet individuals that were super talented at what they did. They're passionate about trying to come to resolution. And it really gave me some insight that I otherwise never would've had. So that led me into like, well, why can't I take all this information, all this experience I've had over the last 12 years (you know, this is, this is four years ago) Why couldn't I take that and try to create a process that allows the entire industry to be elevated? How can I extend the knowledge that I have had the experiences I've had and put that into an application that allows others to be able to access that immediately, and really elevate the industry as a whole.

Lee Boyd, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (17:21):

How is it going? You know, I first met you back in, I would say 2019... how has it gone? I mean, is the adoption going well? Are people using the app?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (17:32):

Yeah. We started off with maybe a couple hundred users and just a local area of like, I think we were, when we were talking, we were just in Colorado and maybe a little Missouri. We are now nationwide. We have roughly around 5,000 addresses that are generated every single month. We have carriers that are being onboarded as we speak. We have over a thousand contracting companies that currently use us. So we're being adopted on both sides. And in the past week – this is May [2022] right now – the past two weeks, I've had conversations with 10 insurance companies that have just come out of the woodwork and said, "Hey, we've seen your product and we wanna learn more about it. And we wanna figure out how to put this into our workflow." And it's just mind blowing. I mean, I was on, you are the fifth call today from insurance companies. If you comp this as an insurance conversation, fifth call today.

Lee Boyd, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (18:24):

What are they doing? How are they adding that into their workflow?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (18:27):

It can be as simple as we have this really cool platform that's app-based – So you can go to a website, or I guess it's your apple or Android. We also have the ability... We're integrated with Symbility and also Guidewire. And so depending on, you know, what level of integration we're looking for, we literally could be, if you sign a contract, we could be used tomorrow on our platform. And if you want automation, it'll give us a little bit of time and we can get integrated through Guidewire or Symbility.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (18:56):

I wanna talk with you about carriers and, and how you're working with them, but I have a question for you first, I'm doing a roof on 1234 Main Street, right? What's the code? Do you send them the entire thing or do you send them like a bullet point in highlights? Do you say you gotta do this, this, this, and this and this, or you're not in code?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (19:15):

That's an awesome question because I sometimes have been in this so long for four years and I forget what we actually accomplished. And that is that we literally take a book that is... and we make it into actionable data. And it's just a yes, no answer. And it's on one page. And so what we send, we request an address, or I should say the addresses entered. It's bifurcated by a residential or commercial. And within six seconds, you aggregate the data and have a PDF report back in your hands that answers your commonly asked questions about how to treat that roof and what to include or what not to include. "Yes / no" answers. We make it so simple that it's actually being used in the adjusting world as part of the, the claims process of training adjusters as well.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (20:00):

Okay. So let's talk about carriers. I mean, this is 100% easy to understand why a roofing contractor, not a wolfing contractor... A roofing contractor. Oh, there's a lot of wolfing co contractors come on now, but why they would need it because I mean, you know, they're moving around, they're working different jurisdictions and they need the answers to these things. But talk about why it's important to a carrier.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (20:29):

Let's just use the use case of a catastrophe. Let's go with hail. There's a large amount of claims that are filed. They're bringing independent adjusters. They're bringing in staff, they're bringing in a mixture of maybe some branch local that are not used to this. They're coming from out of state. It's how do you create processes that allows adjusters to be able to write estimates consistently underneath their guidelines? And with that comes in the building code and what we provide, or I should say, what is provided by research and accurate research is the ability to then streamline that in terms of creating accurate and defensible estimates that ultimately the carrier would like to have. And when I say accurate, it's not an underpayment overpayment, it's exactly what was supposed to be paid. We prevent the ability for potentially over-researching and thinking something should be required when it's not – we call that leakage – you know, when you don't have to pay for something, when it otherwise could be. And then the other side is that, if it's under, if it's not being included, there's the possibility that ultimately the carrier would have a backend where they're dealing with the supplemental process and there could be more than one or two touch points afterwards because it wasn't included on the front side. And what we want to do is streamline that process.

Lee Boyd, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (21:51):

You know, there is such a cost to the supplemental process. And then also, you know, going back to what you were saying about out of state, out of town adjusters, coming in... I have been an adjuster sitting in a room and have gone over the PowerPoints where they talk about the codes and they're super complex they're complicated. The way it was presented back in the day was, "well, if they do this, then we do this. Or if they're here, they do this." But to have a yes, no, right. Do we do this shingle? Do we not? Do we do ice water shield? Do we not? It would be so helpful. I am interested, where is the data found? And I assume you bring it into a database, but is it all online or are there paper copies? I assume some rural, Kansas maybe, has paper that you have to deal with. I don't know.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (22:39):

It's quite the process. So we've been at this for four years and we had to create our own software. So the software that you see, that you use, is different than the software that we internally use. We had to create a whole entire data collection software, because there was nothing out there that would help us. We've had technology, very smart people come up and say, "Well, you can just scrape the websites." And I'm just like, well there's 17,000 cities and counties or 20,000. So that'd be 20,000 scraping. But then I said, but here's the caveat: Most municipalities don't update their website. So if they don't update their website, what are you supposed to do? Then we're wrong.

And it's, I can't just say like, "well, the website says this." Well, we don't care what website says, what is the actual law of a code say? And so we resort to the old fashioned way, which is manual processes. So we're doing the manual calling, we're doing the manual emailing and we're getting written documentation back from cities and counties. And part of our reports includes that writing. So it's not just us saying it. We actually have a document attached to that PDF that's from that city and county that says, this is the code.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (23:49):

I have a couple questions for you in that regard. So do you have a bunch of elves sitting around in Colorado, somewhere? Little code elves

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (24:01):

They're code ninjas, you know, more of a ninja than they are and elf.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (24:05):

Yeah. I'd rather be a code and ninja than a code elf.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (24:08):

Yeah. We, uh, we do have a team. We have a team of seven data researchers and, and analysts that work for us. We're actually expanding that team as we speak. They do not work in Denver. They work remotely.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (24:23):

Okay. So... One of the problems you could have is that they ... I'll just play this out in my head. They reach out to city X and they get the documents. And city X has a board of supervisors meeting that night and they change the code. I mean, I don't know that it happens, you know, every week or that frequently. However, how do you know that there's been a change that would seem to me to be a critical thing for you to know, right? Yeah. How do you become aware of that?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (24:56):

Well, we it's it's I would say –it's all AI. No, I I'm kidding! No, that would be an easy <laugh> that'd be our secret sauce.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (25:04):

That's a great answer.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (25:06):

<laugh> Our secret sauce is really going back to the old fashioned way for the time being. We are establishing these relationships, and with that relationship, we also are asking, "Hey, you know, this is something simple. Like, are you changing your codes the next three months?" What's interesting about cities and counties that they move slow. So they usually plan out and ahead of time when they're gonna be changing. So we do get a little bit of grace in that we, we probably will know they'll be changing their building codes within three to five months, um, when we call. So we don't call just once a year, we're calling on a regular [basis], but we're also asking, "Hey, are you gonna be changing your codes in the next two months, three months?" And they're like, "no." And then we call in the third month and we're like, "Hey, did you change your codes?" <laugh> and sometimes they say yes, but most times they say, "no, we haven't. We're still in the process of reviewing the documents of what we wanna change. And we'll get back. You can follow up with us in three months and we'll let you know the effective date, when that will be."

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (25:59):

Here's something that's been on my mind since we started researching you and that's liability. If you guys are sending out a thing that says yes and no, yes or no to different attributes or work streams that are needed or materials that are required. And you put a yes where there should have been a no, or vice versa, isn't that a liability for you all?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (26:25):

It could potentially be a liability depending on how the information is used. Um, what we resort to is that we have been communicating with those cities and counties. We have written documentation that we're basing it on. So we're really transposing what they say into the document. Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, we're also utilizing the code itself. The code is a really thick book, right, as we talk about – just for the residential and we're quoting that book, and if we're quoting it, technically that's the law that's adopted for that city and county. So we're asking the city official to make sure that that law is correct, and then we're quoting the law that they're referencing.

Lee Boyd, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (27:04):

So with that, I was just thinking, you know, kind of moving on past the actual liability here, there is this huge play in the insuretech right now for data, you know, and data is so important. I'm just wondering, is there a way to package up your data with others and to partner and, and to create a solution that's out there? I don't know. I just throw that out there. What do you think about that?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (27:30):

I full heartedly believe that's possible. I think, you know, my pursuit over the last, you know, five to six years is trying to figure out how to automate the estimation process. Yeah... Code is, in my opinion, code was the missing data set to allow that to happen. Yeah. And I don't think anyone's really sat and thought about like the implications of code. Maybe this is the first time they're having hearing on this, but I've been thinking about this for so long and I can take aerial measurements and I could take in, you know, weather analytics say from a good friend of mine at canopy. And we can figure out ways to partner together to create automation in an actual tool that allows for a solution.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (28:12):

So let's talk about the journey a little bit more. So you're thinking about this, you figure it out. You're just a guy, right? Are you a technologist yourself?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (28:26):

I became one after I was writing checks every day or every week for it. <laugh>

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (28:31):

But you're not a tech guy by training. Just share with us a little bit about how you got from that epiphany moment to here.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (28:40):

Ultimately, what I'm trying to do is really elevate the industry across the board. It was an actually interesting point about four years ago, I was, um, one of my friends had passed and then we were talking about like, you know, like before that, like what would be one of the things you regret in your life that you didn't get a chance to do? And it's like, you know, spending more time with family, spending more time with people that are important to you, and time just kept on coming up. And time is one of the most valuable things. And I look back at my years of working as a contractor and adjuster and spending so much time on trying to figure out building codes and estimation. And I'm like: I am gonna be determined to figure out how to automate this process because time is super important, not just to me – to everybody.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (29:19):

And I wanna be able to extend that into the industry. And that's kind of like what was kind of like the passion behind it. And that's what got me up at 6:00 AM that, you know, I stayed up till 10:00 PM at night, figuring this out and code is not a simple thing. No one's done this. And there's a reason no one's done this. It's complicated. It's not fun. It's not sexy. But I realized it was a data set that was needed to be obtained. And I was bound to determined to figure it out. And I had a lot of sleepless nights. I had a lot of mistakes... A lot of mistakes that cost a lot of money, meaning like we went down the wrong path, but ultimately we got to a point where I look back now and I'm like, I am so glad that I had that epiphany. And I realized that time was one of the most valuable things in my life. And I, I'm glad that I am where I am today because now that I have this dataset it is purely invaluable in terms of what I believe is possible for the industry.

Lee Boyd, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (30:14):

At the end of the day, isn't that the value? The actual dataset. I mean, having all of that data, that's really where this value comes in. I would think.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (30:24):

Yeah. I mean... Right now it's a dataset, data play. We wanna be able to make it actionable, at least on the claim side, but yeah, it is the data right now that allows it. It empowers others right now. It's empowering adjusters and claims professionals, but it could be empowering other tools and other solutions to be able to make better decisions too.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (30:45):

Have municipalities reached out to you and said, Hey, is there something we can do together? Can you help us work with us? Anything like that?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (30:55):

Not exactly that they do. If you call them, you'll be able to hear them sometimes say is like, "Hey, I know you have questions about building codes. We're sick of answering these questions because I know there's a storm. You go to OneClick Code, they answer the questions for you." So we actually have municipalities referring contractors and adjusters to our product as well.

Lee Boyd, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (31:14):


Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (31:15):

They would call that a network effect, right? A network effect would be the, the more that people use it, the, the better it is. And we're having multiple sides of this industry being able to promote the use of the product.

Lee Boyd, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (31:27):

That's great. So tell us about the pricing model. How do you make money on this thing?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (31:33):

So we make money. <laugh> We charge by transaction. I think that it's pretty standard as a report. So give us an address, we'll send you back data... it's a nice, detailed PDF report with that though. You also get access to our platform where we have tools to say help you calculate the amount of ice and water shield, help you calculate how much additional ventilation would be needed on this property, if it was required and waste factor – shingle waste factor is a big deal. I know a lot of people have taken a stab at that. We believe that our way that we do it is the most accurate way. So as part of using our transactional, buying a report from us, you get access to our free tools, um, that helps with the process. So not only do we tell you what you should do, meaning add ice and water, but we help you calculate that, which then can be implemented through the claims process amongst other adjusters. And we care about the number of adjusters, but we don't charge you by the number of adjusters.

Lee Boyd, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (32:37):

I see.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (32:39):

So do you have IA companies that are doing business with you?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (32:42):

We have a couple IA firms that are doing business with us. We have others that have talked to us that are waiting for approval from the gatekeepers... or however you wanna call them. The people that would be saying that, you know, it, it is some, this is a tool that should be used. A lot of times the IA firms will work for large insurance companies. We're in conversations with a lot of the insurance companies right now. So once they have the blessing, then the IA firms can use it.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (33:11):

What part of the carrier organization is reaching out to you about your product? Is it underwriting? Is it claims? What is it?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (33:23):

So we get a mixture. Nothing on underwriting yet. It's primarily on the claims side. Because contractors are using our product or independent adjusters are using the product. It gets sent over to the, the, the claims professional and the insurance company. They see it. They're "why don't we have this tool?" They tell their manager manager tells the claims, maybe manager or somebody that's above them. But ultimately who we hear from a lot of times is the innovation team, as well as potentially product owners of on the claim side.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (33:57):

And what can you share with our other insuretechs out there? What have you learned about dealing with carriers?

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (34:05):

Triple the amount of time you think it's gonna take.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (34:09):

Love that. I want our audience to know that I did not tell him to say that.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (34:13):

Yeah, no. I mean, you know, what's interesting though, is there's a lot of, I feel like there's flow involved. Like they can get really excited and it, but they comes down to budget planning. So if you're gonna get somewhere, get there before July, because they're planning for budgets in the, in the fall for the next year.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (34:34):

I've also learned, this is interesting around PII. This is a cool little thing that I've learned is that around PII, we are only asking for the address. We've been able to get POCs up and running within weeks of initial conversations by amending the NDAs that we signed to include the PII around address as confidential information. That has streamlined our be ability to have pilots and POCs. That is a huge thing for us because otherwise we're talking about legal and legal's not ready for another two months. And then we have to wait for revisions. And we're looking six months before a pilot. And we're like, this is a simple, simple tool. How can we allow you to use it today to see if it's even worth us having a further conversation?

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (35:18):

So before we go, just, can you share with us anything about the roadmap and where you guys are going from here? Anything that you can

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (35:27):

On the roadmap, we are gonna be expanding our product line to include tile roofs and metal roofs by the end of the year. We will also be including a permit fee calculator. So this is something that we've realized that is potential to help streamline the claims upfront and imagine being able to estimate for a roof and or any project and being able to calculate the permit costs. We have that in beta currently right now in Colorado. So our users, if you go and type in an address in Colorado, you would be able to use that today. And we're having amazing feedback on that. We're just looking to scale that nationwide, thus the additional data collectors, or data ninjas, that we're hiring for.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (36:11):

Well, listen, it's been great having you. What an interesting business you have. We're really impressed by it.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (36:16):

Thank you. We appreciate you having us.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (36:19):

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And your little friends. Your little elves that you brought with you today.

Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (36:25):

They're great helpers. I appreciate them here too.

Rob Beller, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (36:27):

I can tell they have their little elf hats on, and please come back again to talk to us. We love these kind of homegrown stories. Um, and it just goes to show you once again, our industry is so big and so large, and has so many ways – you talked about logistics before – that it can improve and move quicker and you guys absolutely hit on one of 'em. So congratulations to you. It's a great story.

Lee Boyd, Co-Host of FNO InsureTech Podcast (36:55):


Garrett Kurtt, CEO and Founder of OneClick Code (36:55):

Thank you.


About FNO: InsureTech Podcast

A podcast that interviews leaders from insuretech and insurance to get up to date ideas and perspectives on how technology is disrupting and transforming the industry. We bring stories, trends, and useful insights to our audience from carriers, insuretechs, service providers, and various industry groups. New episodes each week feature people who are on the forefront of inventing, using, developing, or transforming the insurance world through applied technology. To learn more, visit


About OneClick Data Inc.

OneClick Data Inc. is a trusted data partner dedicated to streamlining the code-sourcing process for all parties in the roofing industry while increasing efficiency and transparency for all stakeholders in construction and restoration. They have the only platform, OneClick Code, to have blazed the trail for data automation of jurisdictional authority for building codes, permit fees, taxes, and manufacturer specifications required for any address nationwide. OneClick Code has been serving customers in the contracting, insurance, and claim adjusting fields by providing instant access to trusted roofing codes with the click of a button. Offering unique reports that can be easily shared between all stakeholders in the roofing claims industry, OneClick Code adds value to all parties and empowers customers to save time and money on every claim. Welcome to restoration intelligence, automated. To learn more, visit

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